Algunhas tarxetas de Nadal creadas polos alumnos
We read Gadea´s book called Stick man.
Thank you Gadea!!
Limos o conto de Gadea chamado Stick man.
Grazas Gadea!
Limos o conto de Gadea chamado Stick man.
Grazas Gadea!
The students listened to the Stick man story. Andrea missed that lesson so Sergio told her what he knew about the story.
Os estudantes escoitaron a historia de Stick man. Andrea faltou esa clase asi que Serxio contoulle o que sabia sobre dita historia.
The pupils draw Stick man! Awesome!
Os alumnos debuxaron a Stick man! Alucinante!
The little ones were really interested!!
os pequenos estaban moi interesados!
os pequenos estaban moi interesados!
The three year olders coloured a star that twinkle and twinkle...
Os de tres anos colorearon a estrela que brila e brila...
Monkey says...
Monkey dí...
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a happy new year!